Buffalo River - Buy gun safes online

A good gun safe is not only essential from a legal standpoint, it’s also a wise investment to ensure that your firearms and ammunition remain safe & protected.

ArdMoor have a comprehensive range of gun safe including established brands Buffalo River, Brattonsound, Boston Security and Lokaway, which come in an array of options from 5 to 24 guns, with different locking mechanisms, storage configurations and wall thicknesses to suit.

Of course, these safes are also by some margin the largest & heaviest items we sell – so how are these handled?

Delivering a gun safe

When you purchase a gun safe from ArdMoor, one of our team will get in touch with you to arrange the delivery on a time & date to suit you. You will need to provide a mobile phone number for contact on the day of delivery. Even the lightest five-gun cabinets weigh in at about 30kg and the 24-gun cabinets can weigh as much as 140kg, so delivery is handled by a specialist courier on a pallet.

You’ll need to be present for the delivery, but the courier will unload the safe and get it into position for you. If you are planning to install the safe above the ground floor, please do let us know so the courier can be prepared in advance.

There will be an additional delivery charge for this service which will be calculated at checkout.

Installing a gun safe

Your gun safe will come with heavy duty fastening bolts to secure it to the wall. This is an important safety precaution to prevent the safe from falling over.

The courier isn’t covered for installing these bolts, so if you’re not comfortable doing this yourself please do find a suitably experienced handyman who can do this for you.

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Maintaining your gun safe

A gun safe is an investment and, like any safety equipment, it’s important to keep it in good working order. Fortunately, with a little care a good gun safe should last you a lifetime.

Simply wiping the safe down with a soft cloth every now and then to remove any dust & dirt will help preserve the finish of your safe. This is also a good opportunity to check any seals for wear and to check the batteries if your safe has an LCD screen.

Keep a watchful eye for any humidity or water in the vicinity of the safe – most safes are sealed to prevent water ingress, but prevention is always better than a cure. If your safe is installed in a particularly humid location, battery-powered dehumidifiers or reusable desiccant containers can be used to absorb any moisture that makes it into the safe.

Occasionally lubricating the hinges will keep the door opening smoothly & easily. The physical locks should require very little maintenance but, if you feel a lock becoming sticky or tight, do let us or the manufacturer know.

Following these top tips will ensure your weapons and gun kit will be stored securely and safely giving you peace of mind that your shooting equipment is in safe hands.

If you have any questions about choosing & ordering a gun safe, please don’t hesitate to contact our team who will be happy to help.

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