Tips for Warmer Feet

Some people spend a lot of time making sure they have the right clothes to keep warm in the winter chill, but forget to consider one of the most important aspects – the right footwear. Keeping your feet at the right temperature is critical during all activities. It doesn’t matter what your activity is – if you have cold or sore feet, it won’t be easy to enjoy what you are doing.

Wear a hat to warm up your feet

It might sound odd, given how far your head is from your feet, but the layering principle applies to your feet, hands and head too. When the body gets cold, it diverts blood flow away from your extremities to maintain the heat level in your head and vital organs. The first sign that this is happening is when you start to feel your feet and hands getting colder. Without a hat on, your head works like a chimney, funneling a lot of your body’s heat away. So if your feet are cold try putting on a hat to feel the difference! It’s a country tip that can be applied to all situations.

Keep your feet ventilated to maintain warmth

Lack of ventilation can also contribute to cold feet. Both footwear made from excessively impermeable materials and socks made with highly synthetic fibre content prevent the foot’s perspiration from evaporating. This can lead to your feet becoming damp, which in turn makes them cold – and increases the risk of blisters. A foot will produce around 60ml of water every day and this dramatically increases during vigorous activity. Carry spare socks if you’re planning to do some hard exercise and change them often.

We have an extensive range of socks specially selected for different country activities; from shooting socks to hiking socks and on to general, boot and even thermal socks too!

Buy the right size shoes for cold weather

Winter boots and shoes should be large enough that you can add an extra layer of socks to absorb moisture and keep your feet warm. Don’t tighten your boots up too much to avoid making your feet feel cramped. Doing so can hinder blood circulation and your feet will become cold very quickly.

Outlook for the winter

Unfortunately, everything is pointing to yet another cold and potentially snowy winter this year, so we have our wellies and insulated boots at the ready! Thinking about picking up some wellies? Read our guide for some ideas and pointers on choosing the best wellies to suit you.

Check out the following pages on ArdMoor for products that help keep you warm.
Socks Footwear Hats
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