We have all heard of Peking duck, but don’t be intimidated, this is a really simple to follow recipe for a warm duck salad with just a hint of the orient! This meal is ideal for freeing up freezer space for the new game season. This recipe feeds two people.
1 x whole duck
Teriyaki sauce
Ginger – freshly grated or “cheat” by using ginger paste
2 x garlic cloves
1x lemon
Large glass of red wine
1x onion
Bottle of plum and hoisin sauce
Large bag of watercress
Pomegranate (optional)
Place the duck – breast side down (to keep it moist) – in a roasting tin with a lid.
Pour the glass of wine around the duck.
Pour a generous sploosh (3x tbsp approx) of teriyaki sauce over the duck.
Spread 2 x tsps of ginger over the duck.
Crush the garlic over the duck.
Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the duck (or breakfast orange juice, if you don’t have a lemon).
Quarter onion and place in roasting tin around duck.
Cover and cook for 40 minutes or appropriate length, depending on size of duck.
For the sauce
When the duck is just ready, pour the plum and hoisin sauce into a pan.
Add some of the strained juices from the roasting dish (approximately 50% sauce and 50% strained juices – to taste).
Add the pomegranate pips.
Heat through and season to taste.
Divide the watercress between dinner plates.
Carve the duck onto the watercress and pour the sauce (see below) over it, so that the watercress wilts slightly.
Additional recommendations:
Serve with noodles and crunchy red pepper batons. If you have time, leave the duck to marinate in the ingredients for a couple of hours prior to cooking. This recipe works equally well with pheasant.
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