How to keep midges away this summer with midge nets and midge repellent

How to repel midges

Summer is a time for long days, short sleeves, picnics, camping and generally enjoying the Great British countryside.

However, not everything associated with a British summer is strawberries and cream.

For many, the common Midge (Chironomidae) is a constant irritation at best, a holiday destroyer at worst. Non-lethal to humans, the midge is, nonetheless, an ever-present threat to sanity at certain times of the year.

Leaving a trail of red, itchy blotches across a victim’s skin, the common midge can leave you reaching for a boiler suit rather than elegant summer attire for a well-earned evening out.

So, with this mind, it’s worth looking at what is on offer to help combat the misery-inducing midge and help you get on with your holiday, camping trip or job.

Spray Away

The first line of defence is attack. Midge sprays, such as Lifesystems Expedition Midge DEET-Free Repellent is great way to keep midges away. The active ingredients in this handy spray includes Saltidin, which is scientifically proven to repel Midges, Ticks and Mosquitoes. The active ingredients to look for in a good repellent are: DEET, IR3535, Saltidin or Citriodiol.

Lifestystems Midge Mosquito and Tick Repellent

Lifesystems, along with its DEET-free range and DEET range of repellents, also makes a spray-on treatment for fabrics, tents, clothing, sleeping bags etc. Although designed for mosquito repellency, the Lifesystems EX4 Anti-Mosquito Spray-On Treatment also works on Midges and Ticks.

Click here to find the right repellent for you

Net Profit

If you’re planning on spending time in high-density midge regions (Midges in Scotland can be especially plentiful during summer), using netted products will help. The Hoggs of Fife Midgemaster Jacket and Midgemaster Headcover are handy super-lightweight additions to any backpack, as are the Lifesystems Mosquito & Midge Head Net and Head Net Hat all of which offer superb protection from Midges, Ticks and, if you’re going further afield, Mosquitoes.

Another good option is the aptly-named Sting Mosquito Anorak by Swedish outdoor clothing experts Chevalier. This versatile lightweight packable jacket is designed to protect against ticks, midges, mosquitoes and other biting bugs during the summer months.

Once Bitten

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer midge bites, don’t scratch them. Treat immediately with the Lifesystems Mini Click Bite & Stick Relief tool.

Lifesystems Mini Click Bite & Sting Relief

This handy mini clicker ‘zaps’ the affected area and then reduces irritation and swelling allowing you to concentrate on what you are supposed to doing.

Use a good after-bite cream or spray, too, for extra comfort.

Dress Lighter

Stay away from black or dark colours if you’re heading into midge country. Obviously long sleeves and trouser legs will help, but choosing lighter colours of clothing will reduce the chance of attracting midges. They prefer the contrast of dark objects on light backgrounds, and by wearing lighter clothes you will be less obvious a target. Try the Musto Evolution Sunblock Long Sleeve T-Shirt 2.0 in white for midge protection for your arms, plus UV protection, too!

Check out our best tick and midge repellents, net protection and tick-repellent clothing and all-round protection from biting and stinging insects.
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