Brilliant October Sport

On Saturday I was lucky enough to be invited to the shooting adventure of the season. I packed my Land Rover and, with my Labrador and cocker spaniel, set off north with anticipation to the Highlands of Scotland.

On arrival our host served a delicious dinner and afterwards we savoured one or two drams before turning in for a good night’s sleep.

Morning brought with it a fine breakfast including Perthshire’s finest white and black pudding as well as high winds and heavy rain being driven in off the North Atlantic.

First up was the moor and we headed up for a morning of walked up grouse shooting. They were wild fast, curling off the wind and hugging the contours. It was a superb sport in the wildest of conditions.

After success and a number of hours hard walking we headed down the hill and lined up beneath the undulating lower moor land. After a while, partridge were flying in all directions and if this was not enough snipe joined in on the fun.

At 3pm lunch was served and we tucked into some fine highland mince. Although having been blasted by Scotland’s best my Harkila Clothing ensured I was dry and warm and the dogs were given a well-earned rest and sustenance.

We then set off again heading to a small loch and climbed well above the water with the anticipation of seeing some duck. At first the sky was clear and then from the hill above appeared what looked like migrating wildfowl. As they got closer it was clear they were mallard but very high mallard. You could hear the anticipation and the delight of the guns as the birds out flew every man. The Labrador was less impressed. Finally, with duck in the bag we headed off to meet the ‘angels’…

The last drive was ‘The Crags’ where the infamous ‘angels fly at 12 o’clock’. The birds begin 500 ft. above the guns and cross over to the other side of the glen. The sport was magnificent and every gun had the memory of a pheasant worth many seasons of baths!

To have the opportunity to be tested by five of the greatest in one day is a once in a lifetime treat.

A toast to my host, the sport and a great team.

Can you spot the high bird?

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